Drama Proof Pigeon Club

WOW! Drama Proof Pigeon Club Issue 3 has landed! The theme - Myth and Monsters (and Dinosaurs, too…)

We were totally blown away by the number and quality of submissions, which came in from far and wide, including across the USA and Europe, as well as further afield. THANKS SO MUCH to everyone who sent in their work.

The wonderful Manchester based sisters and creative duo of 2B or not 2B join us for AT HOME AT THE BIRD HOUSE and we had so many COLOUR ME PIGEON submissions that we decided to make this the first Drama Proof Pigeon Club with an accompanying booklet, to include as many as possible.

Oh! We also introduced a new regular feature for Issue 3 - CRUMBS - and each instalment will share an illustrated recipe guide!

Full details and pick up a copy here.

Read below for a little more info on Drama Proof Pigeon.

Thanks for taking a look!


Drama Proof Pigeon Club is an independent illustration zine produced by Beastly Worlds and @now.a.magpie to feature the work of other illustrators.

The zine is submission based and small(ish) format, aiming to celebrate printed images, drawings and comics (and not looking at screens), as well as to help build a meaningful illustration community (beyond Instagram).

There are 3(ish) issues per year and each has a different theme. 

Zines are available online as well as at the lovely SPARKS Ethical Gift Shop in Bristol and the fabulous illustration shop Art Hole in Cardiff. We’re also in discussion with other stockists, too.

Drama Proof Pigeon Club is priced to be as accessible as possible with the zines available for just £5 each, including UK postage! This is to cover the cost of zine production, a stamp and an envelope, plus an extra £1, which goes to the artists featured.

Fancy being a Drama Proof Pigeon? Stay tuned for announcements around Issue 4 later in the year.

Thanks for reading, coo.


Submissions for Drama Proof Pigeon Club are currently closed.

We’ll be opening submissions for Issue 4 later in the year. Keep up to date with Drama Proof Pigeon Club social media and subscribe to the BeastlyWorlds newsletter for updates.


We have four regular Drama Proof Pigeon Club features! We’d love to see any work that fits into one of the following.

Sometimes, pigeons struggle to stay within the lines, feathers aren't built for holding a crayon. But if you’re happy with that, we'd love to see your line drawings as we're looking to include one COLOUR ME PIGEON per issue, for all the Drama Proof Pigeons out there to colour in. Bonus points if it fits the theme.

We're looking to include an illustrated recipe in each issue! Comfort food, sweet treats, your favourite sandwich, elaborate dinners… Anything you would like to share with your fellow Drama Proof Pigeons is welcome. (Please note, this is not expected to fit the issue’s theme! Two to four pages are ideal, although we’re open to fewer or more!)

Fancy drawing a Drama Proof Pigeon? We'll highlight one of our favourite pigeons each issue as Pigeon of the Week!

We’re also on the lookout for a pigeon pic that relates to each issue’s theme to go on the cover!

Each contributor to the zine gets 2 free copies. £1 from each zine sale also goes to the artists involved. (This doesn’t add up to a huge amount, but all being well should be enough for a slice of cake or a beer or packet of bird feed for each Drama Proof Pigeon involved… Who knows, maybe it’ll be more in the future? Perhaps enough to cover a shiny new bird feeder even!? Maybe one day!)

How to Submit

Email your image(s) with the information outlined below to dramaproofpigeonclub@gmail.com,

Please include the following information in the body of your email -

  1. Name

  2. Instagram handle

  3. City

  4. A line or two about the work

  5. Year the work was made

Please either attach the image files to the email, send as a Google drive link, or via WeTransfer. See below for the image specification requirements.

Single illustrations / please send through a high resolution image in either JPEG, TIFF or PNG format

Small series of drawings / please send through up to 5 high resolution images in either JPEG, TIFF or PNG format

Comic Short / please send through panels as high resolution images in either JPEG, TIFF or PNG format. (Please note, the longer the comic, the more tricky it may be for us to fit it into the zine! Up to 10 panels should be good, although we’re open to longer pieces.)

Files will preferably be 300dpi, although that is not essential.


  • You can submit work made at any time, please let us know when the work was created!

  • It is totally free to submit your work!

  • Yes! But please let us know where and when it was last published in your email!

  • Pigeon and non-pigeon related work are both welcome!

  • Absolutely! We'd love it if based on your previous experience, you'd like to be involved again! However, we may prioritise people who have not been previously included to share the pigeon love.

  • Each contributor will get two complimentary copies of the zine. In addition, £1 from each zine sold goes towards the artists, so this amount will vary depending on the issue your work is in and will hopefully be enough to buy a coffee or two. (We don’t take any cut from the sales, the rest of the income goes towards postage and production. All (if any?!) profit goes to the artist.

  • YES, please share copies far and wide! Extra copies are available online from the BeastlyWorlds online shop for £5 each, including UK postage.

  • As well as being available online via the beastlyworlds shop here, the zine is stocked at SPARKS Ethical Gift Shop in Bristol and Art Hole in Cardiff. We hope to have more stockists confirmed soon.

  • You can!

  • No, we do not accept submissions made using AI.

  • The zine is 12cm wide by 17cm high. (This makes a double page spread 24cm wide by 17cm high.) Submissions do not have to be this format!

Terms and Conditions

By submitting to Drama Proof Pigeon Club, you confirm that 

  • You are the creator and author of the work and that you are not infringing on anyone's copyrighted material. 

  • Drama Proof Pigeon Club may share your work on social media, with full credit to you, including being tagged in the image and caption.

  • If your Drama Proof Pigeon features on the cover of the zine, you are happy for us to overlay some Drama Proof Pigeon branding in line with the zine design.

  • Profit to be shared between contributing artists will be made via bank transfer or PayPal. 

  • We will always do our best to make sure printed work looks true to the artist's intention and the zine will be printed on a high quality digital press, however, colour printing can sometimes be unpredictable. 

  • You are allowing Drama Proof Pigeon to share the work in print, digitally and on our website.

Advice. (That I’d give to a younger me?..)

WOW! It’s been a busy time here at the nerd nest and we’re excited to add some new features to Issue 2, including COLOUR ME PIGEON and AT HOME AT THE BIRD HOUSE. Pick up a copy of issue 2 here.

YES, that really happened. (I still don’t quite believe it.)

Issue 1 saw contributions from far and wide, including Poland, France, Germany and all across the UK. It has spread its wings and roosted as far as America, Japan and all over Europe! We’re really grateful for all the support and kind words since launching Drama Proof Pigeon Club.

Pick up a copy of issue 1 here.


Japanese Colour Combinations


Tree Dwellers